Wednesday, May 02, 2007

over and over again...

Classes ended yesterday.

My finals are Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, which is probably one of the best schedules I've had in many a semester. I'll be sticking around for graduation on Saturday [congrats, joel, alisa, and all the rest of my favorite seniors] before leaving Sunday morning for Atlanta by way of Huntsville [which reminds me, i need a ride to the airport]. As soon as I'm done with finals, relatives [and relatives of friends] galore arrive, including Betsy on Friday morning. I'm holding out for a lot of free food.

Study day is always kind of strange. It feels like a Saturday: I went out to The Hunt Club last night to share stories with a bunch of awesome girls and then went on a midnight Wal-Mart run and sort of slept in this morning. Emily and I are headed to Ann Arbor today to study in Starbucks and see Josh and Michelle. I'm excited for coffee and conversation.

It's been a terrific semester and I'm kind of sad to see it go, but I am so excited for my six weeks in Georgia! I'll be working at Operation Mobilization, a global missions organization, and staying with the amazing Mount family. I'm excited to spend time with my southern lovelies [but not excited to sweat all the time] and learn more about the cool things Jesus is doing around the world. I'll be back in Portland on June 30, just in time for First Thursday.

The Office is the funniest thing on television, Arrested Development is still the funniest thing I wish was still on television, and this is still the funniest skit SNL has had in a long time.

There's your update...I'm headed to the city!

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