Sunday, February 15, 2009

words of love...

Happy Valentine's Day, all my former faithful blog reader loves!

You know it's been too long when you can barely remember your if this is actually your regular posting font, or just something that looks similar.

I haven't made any formal statement of blogger-FAILdom, but I also can't act like I'll be posting from now on. Like so many things in adult life, this too is uncertain and slightly frightening [while freeing, of course].

I have been tweeting frequently these days, which fits into my schedule better because it only requires a thought transfer of 140 characters, not anything worthwhile or longish like a blog.

Until soon [or possibly never again,] I'll leave you with an Emily Dickinson poem full of epigraphs to unwritten classics. It was used in a sculpture/textile exhibit I saw at the Lesley Dill exhibit in the Hunter Art Museum in Chattanooga, Tennessee yesterday. I am completely captivated by the idea of "Some striding -- Giant -- Love --."


A single Screw of Flesh
is all that pins the Soul
That stands for Deity, to Mine,
Upon my side the Veil -

Once witnessed of the Gauze --
Its name is put away
As far from mine, as if no plight
Had printed yesterday,

In tender -- solemn Alphabet,
My eyes just turned to see,
When it was smuggled by my sight
Into Eternity --

More Hands -- to hold -- These are but Two --
One more new-mailed Nerve
Just granted, for the Peril's sake --
Some striding -- Giant -- Love --

So greater than the Gods can show
They sink before the Clay,
That not for all their Heaven can boast
Will let its Keepsake -- go


holly darling smith said...

I've been waiting for you to say you've outgrown your profession of being a blogger. I know you. :) I have a Twitter also, but I haven't used it yet. You have a talent for squeezing large ideas into a few short syllables. I think you'd be a Twitter Queen. As for me, I think I'd die if I didn't blog now and then.

One day-- this Sunday perhaps-- want to go vintage shopping with me along Hawthorne or somewhere? I need a chair and a desk... and ribbon and fabric and odds and ends... my little hoard of randomness is running out. There's a dear.

Fantastic Forrest said...
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