Wednesday, May 27, 2009

it's a tough world for english majors...

My primary workplace complaint is that there is no [even moderately] acceptable place for sun and books to converge on my lunch hour. I could walk a block and sit outside the pizza place, but that would require the expenditure of unhad funds and the intake of unjustifiable foods.

Today I resorted to crouching [unprofessionally] behind my car in the parking lot - balanced precariously on a curb far too narrow for sitting – and scarfing forty pages.

Tomorrow I might bring a lawn chair.


Betsy said...

I loved the image of you crouching unprofessionally in the parking lot. I've been reading for my job lately - awesome.

holly darling smith said...

You are SO dramatic.

hunter said...

you know what's sad? i can't remember the last time i read a book.

suggest something for me. something that will transport me.

holly darling smith said...

Hunter-- if you're up for a delightfully easy and lovely read, find "The Prisoner of Zenda" by Anthony Hope at your library. It's a perfect beginning of summer type book. That is-- if you are partial to old books. If not, I'm sure Em has a hundred vibrantly postmodern titles to recommend.

holly darling smith said...

Oh, and Emily, have you ever gotten around to reading "A Circle of Quiet"?

holly darling smith said...

Honey, I really miss your blogging days. Your spark of wit and creativity... it always brightened my day. Also, I miss you too.