Monday, October 30, 2006

no. 2 pencils...

I am voting today.

Let me just say once again how cool it is that I'm a twenty-first century woman who can study anything she wants at any college
and can vote. God knew what He was doing when He made me a modern girl.

I seriously love voting. However, I have this strange feeling that it isn't for the right reasons. I do enjoy voicing my democratic opinion in Oregon's initiative process, choosing [between Uhhh...Maybe Okay, Not So Much, and Ha Ha...No.] for my elected officials, and carefully making important decisions for my country.

But even more than that, I really enjoy filling in the little ovals.

I think maybe it carries back to the excitement of standardized testing all through grade school. I'm really quite talented with instructions like "use a pencil or blue ink pen" and "completely fill in the oval to the left of the response of your choice" [too many prepositional phrases on the ballot? hmmm...]

And this time, there are no wrong answers.

1 comment:

Steph Garvey said...

you're hillarious. I think I'm going to vote this morning. Gotta love vote-by-mail...