Tuesday, October 30, 2007

the life during, the life after...

Job hunting is a really good but pretty much depressing distraction from homework. It's difficult to think about translating everything I get excited about [words, paper, words on paper, color, good design, learning, cooking, creating, helping, finishing projects, organizing, etc] into something I'll do 40 hours a week. And it's even more difficult to think of something that includes the first elements, I have the resume for, and will make enough money not to have to sleep on my family's couch for the next two years.
I'm solidly into The Thinking Period [cf. ford, richard. "the permanent period,"
the lay of the land. percy, walker. "the search," the last gentleman, the moviegoer.]. Or maybe I should call it The Possibility Period [cf. percy, walker. "endless possibility is really bad," the last gentleman] Maybe so much thinking will translate into more frequent blogging. I try to use this think to record significant parts of life I'd like to remember [with fondness,without embarrassment] at some later date.
Ultimately I know that who[se] I am, not what I do, defines me. But let's be honest, what I do is still pretty important.


holly darling smith said...

You are....almost home...almost home........almost here!

Unknown said...

I've been missing you... when do you come home?