Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Since I'm sure I've exhausted every job ad on monster and craigslist this morning, before I turn to my Agatha Christie hour at my local independence coffee shop, I thought I'd pass on some words of wisdom.

Ashamedly, I was unaware of David Foster Wallace before his death on Friday. But after a little research [handed to me on a golden-linked platter] I have resolved to put aside ignorance and every sin that so easily entangles.

I, too, wonder how someone who writes
this could do that. But that's probably the wrong question. What am I going to do today to see the water, to get out of my self-pitying unemployed head, to serve others, and just maybe, do something that helps someone else see the importance of everything around us.

I'm not sure how long that article will be up, but I hope you all pause for a moment in your information overloaded lives and read.

1 comment:

hunter said...

i read that the other day and was blown away by both the writing and the event.

hope is hard to come by.