Friday, February 03, 2006

banana pancakes...

can't you see that it's just raining
ain't no need to go outside

Welcome to Hillsdale, Michigan, where they promised me a white winter. Instead, I get all the dark beauty of a Portland winter without actually being there.

It's been overcast and forty-five for the past week. I've been hit with the homesickness truck a couple of times this week, but I pull out of it surprisingly quickly. Last night it felt good to take a walk in the light mist [portland girl: 70,000 ways to describe rain].

rain all day and i don't mind

I headed over to the State House to be guest of honor at the Corpse Bride party. [because her name is emily too!] Amazing cool movies are even better when you watch them with cool people. Trin and I sat on the couch for half an hour afterwards, our jaws hanging open at the extras. Did you know they made that movie with stop-motion puppets? Skill makes the beautiful even more impressive. I doubt whether I'm talented enough to be in movies. Guess I could always stay in Hillsdale and work at a diner for the rest of my life!

I try not to be too cryptic on this blog, but can you allow me to mention that some people just don't get it? Because they really don't. Although people never change, my latest reaction is to laugh and ignore them. Is that right? Is is okay as long as I don't get angry and let them have it?

baby, you hardly even notice
when i try to show you this song
is meant to keep you from
doing what you're suppose to
like waking up too early

Tuesday night at DJ's Diner in Pittsford [this is real america, folks], a group of intelligent individuals were discussing language and words that are annoying or ugly. Like 'pop' or 'tremendous.' Aside from those with ugly meanings, what words annoy you?

And, because I finally decided my life needed Picasa and my inner model, here are some pictures. They'll probably be in your next Ralph Lauren catalog. [oh my gosh, i hope none of you actually get the ralph lauren catalog]
Image hosting by Photobucket
alisa and emily
Image hosting by Photobucket
alisa, nick, emily

maybe we could sleep in
i'll make you banana pancakes
pretend that it's the weekend now


Josh said...

HOTT with two T's.

Shovel has always been pretty wierd to me. Previous finalist in this discussion were berber and gingham

Janice said...

you make me laugh. i'll cast you in a movie one day, don't you worry.

well i actually have a huge list of words i don't like, but it's because they make me want to vomit, not that they're annoying. basically every reproductive organ...also words like supple and moist. i'm more annoyed by the way some people use words. people who overuse "like" or "you know." the way british people say "authoritative" and make it sound like you're stuttering.

can you tell i think about this a lot? that's probably not healthy...

Rachel said...

um, Em... I get the Ralph Lauren catalog. Your point?

I'll be watching for your special appearance in it since it may be the closest I ever come to seeing you again. That was a bit pessimistic, wasn't it?

Anyway, all this to say, I miss you. Good post.

Emma Rose said...

Emily darling,

I love that song. It's on my current list of top-ten favorites. It would have been on the top-five, but I could only allow myself one Jack Johnson song in the top five, and it was already "Breakdown" -- But I love the Banana Pancakes song.

The one phrase (not word) that annoys me, right now, more than anything, is the very hip tabloid expression: "Baby Bump." Whoever came up with it should be shot. I'd rather see Paris Hilton quotes.

Tnpzitr is a pretty scary word, too, and is what I have to type to post this comment.