Thursday, September 28, 2006

tip of the week...

When it's suddenly after 1am and you find yourself overwhelmed by the clothes, dirty dishes, artsy leftovers, to-do lists, homework, chex mix remnants in your carpet, and messy personal spaces [most of which are due to the fabulous hang-out-with-your-hall time earlier this evening], I suggest you take a deep breath and start by brushing your teeth.

That clean, minty freshness not only improves your spirits [oh, wait, i am blessed, talented, lovely, and generally well liked?], but it gives you the boost of placebo-like energy needed to organize, fold, clean, wash, put away, and complete all the necessary tasks. Suddenly, your room is cleaner than it has been in nearly a week, the near-disasterous levels of stress have vanished, and all is again right with the world. [do i sound like mary poppins? i feel like mary poppins]

Try a Psalm or two before going to sleep [I'd suggest something in the 20s].

But whatever you do, don't look in the mirror.


Janice said...

brushing your teeth is such a great motivator, too true. but it's a two-edged sword...when you're just getting beautifully sleepy, you brush your teeth for bed and then you're all awake again. that sucks.

you know what else is good? the way you're more awake and alert when you've taken the time dress yourself in an outfit and put on makeup and accessorize. it's almost like it's more worth it to be awake. allison pointed this out to me the other week and i have concluded it's very sensible.

Emma Rose said...

or if you DO look in the mirror... pluck your eyebrows. That's the other thing that's almost as good as brushing your teeth. :)