Sunday, February 24, 2008


Hey, if you're going to get that dressed up, you might as well take crazy pictures.
Feathers [abbie and becky]
Definitely the cast of a British Mystery Novel. Or maybe Gilligan's Island: The Millionaire, The Millionaire's Wife, The Movie-Star, and Gilligan. [paul, becky, em, and buck]
Hottest Baristas in town. [em and cherrie]
What else is a door frame good for? [becky and em]


holly darling smith said...

Em, adorable hair.

Becky, whoever you are, love your dress.

Em you are all growed up looking! hahaha. So cute.

You know what I wanted to do today? I wanted to go to the Oscars, enveloped in silk and diamonds. Really. I had a crazy urge to walk the red carpet. *sigh* And here I am, in my pajamas (the ones with elves lugging Christmas trees around all over them) with my hair very much resembling Ronald Macdonald's and my lips severely chapped. Not celebrity material, I tell you.

Then again, even in this state of horrificness I still look better than Lindsay Lohan did on her way to the DMV.


No. 'Horrificness' is not a word.

j said...

Gilligan's Island.


Steph Garvey said...

Holly, you're so funny.
Come home, Emily Maynard, I miss you.