Tuesday, March 04, 2008

grammar confession...

I have this horrible feeling that the other night, when responding to far too many e-mails without sufficient brain power, I mixed up 'its' and 'it's' and frequently used the wrong one in an e-mail.

I can't even explain it. I just got this horrible feeling in the middle of my Lewis class today, but I'm too afraid to even look back at that e-mail to check. I might be imagining my folly. But what if I'm right ...and I actually was wrong?

Perhaps this [deleted] snow storm is the vengance of some minor grammar god? I shall spend the rest of the evening shouting apologies to the heavens. And Dictionaries.

Oh, San Diego, I hope you are sunny and warmish when I come visit you!


j said...

I'll speak to the weatherman and request some lovely weather for you.

Allison said...

well it's warm and sunny here! well.,.. not sunny today. torrential rain and thunder w00t! but sun again soon. i am a tad jealous of your snow, tho.
haha. now i'm self conscious about my 'its'.

holly darling smith said...


Just don't look at those emails, dear. Don't look. We all know you are an amazingly intelligent grammarian. You are forgiven, if you really did commit the afore-said offenses.

But, never mind...San Diego will be sunny and warm, because I have ordered it thus, and so it shall be.

And sandy, too. Nice, eh?

It will be perfect. But mostly because, you know, I'll be there with you.
