Monday, May 30, 2005


Today, we lift our eyes and bow our heads in honor.

I would like to particularly honor the man who wrote these words two weeks ago:

On Friday I found out that a good friend of mine was killed in Baghdad by a roadside bomb...sometimes I feel as though I have reached a breaking point, a person can only take so much death and destruction before it starts to break them down from the inside. I have lost so many friends, brothers, and Marines in this war. I only hope that those of you who read this never have to do what we do.

I want to honor my grandfathers, who served in the Navy and the Army.

Today I will have to remember from afar, instead living side-by-side with the men that make history. It is though our trust in eachother that keeps us alive, and the memory of the lost that keeps us persevering. If we fail in our task then we have failed those who sacrificed for us.

So today as you watch the parades, eat at barbeques, and visit friends and family...remember that there are many who have lost it all...for you.

Thank you, my young friend Mark Drye, for what you give every day. Freedom is never free.

Oh, Lord, how long?

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