Tuesday, September 13, 2005

unsent thoughts...

Wow, it's been so long that it took me a while to remember which font, size, style, and color I use. Gosh. Did you miss me?

I was reminded today of the joy in getting to know another person. It's like the joy of watching a gorgeous sunset or sitting hypnotized by the ocean waves. It's a chance to experience a little more of God.

If you truly believe that we are made in His image, than every person you relate to in your daily life should be a reminder of Him [the only difference, of course, is the small human tendency to screw up a lot]. This way of thinking will change your way of life, I guarantee. We serve a relational God; our relationship with Him directly effects our interaction with everything and everyone else. We cannot see Him, but we can experience more of Him through encouraging, laughing, singing, praying, talking, crying, and truly living together.

All this has been inspired by my recent habit of losing myself in Lewis.

We may say, quite truly and in an intelligible sense, that those who love greatly are "near" to God.

The debunkers stigmatise as slush and sentimentality a very great deal of what their fathers said in praise of love. They are always pulling up and exposing the grubby roots of our natural loves. But I take it we must listen neither "to the over-wise nor to the over-foolish giant." The highest does not stand without the lowest.
A plant must have roots below as well as sunlight above and roots must be grubby. Much of the grubbiness is clean dirt if only you will leave it in the garden and not keep on sprinkling it over the library table. The human loves can be glorious images of Divine love.

The times when I experience living to the fullest are the times when Jesus is my first love. I wish I could say it was like that more often. I am happiest and most complete and find the most joy in everything else when seeing things through His eyes. The sky is bluer, the trees are greener, the wind is sweeter, and people are much more [tolerable] interesting and inspiring.

The basis for all enjoyment is found in Love Himself.

1 comment:

Aine said...

awesome quote.