Wednesday, January 04, 2006

out on the town...

Tonight I introduced two adorable country girls to important parts of my beautiful city: the Pearl and 23rd street. We had some good laughs, good food, and adored a lot of cute stuff like shoes, couches, dishes, and lamps. Basically, if it's brown, green, blue, square, or rounded, it's good.
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cassandra, holly, and emily
In other news, you can find the coolest stuff on sale at the beginning of January.
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"Of course I have a secret identity. You think I go to the grocery store like this?"
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"honey! where's my super suit? the world is in danger!"
"my evening is in danger!"

1 comment:

Lola Bacon said...

"It's for the greater good!"
"I'm your wife. I'm the greatest good you will EVER have!"