Monday, February 14, 2005

the best card...

I got mail today.

By far the best mail received [the best valentine's salutation ever] was sent from a certain someone in Virginia...

My dear Emily,
Please pardon the unconventional Valentine's Day card. [carefully colored-penciled drawing of a human heart] Frankly, I didn't want this to be a conventional Valentine's card. i don't want you to be mine; I assume you don't want me to be yours; and I have no idea how being each other's would benefit us anyway. So, please don't be my Valentine.
But, I do want to thank you for being a great friend...

Thank you, Will, for the lovely card. It was perfect. Let's hang out and make movies sometime, okay?

I have the greatest friends ever...

1 comment:

Gretchen Louise said...

LOL, and here Mom was afraid you'd be offended, when Will described it. ;)

My brother is such a nut. ;) I guess it's a good thing his friends understand him.

But I'll have you know, you're pretty special, because I didn't get a Valentine card from my own brother, but he sent you one! ;)