Friday, March 18, 2005


Oh, the places I will go...

Tonight in Chicago, tomorrow in Seattle, and tomorrow night in Portland.

Despite working on a paper and hanging with my roommate all night, Spring Break has finally arrived. And I'm going home. [i'll have La Cellita with me again over break, so be sure to call]

What will occupy my time and attention?
"I'd do whatever I like. Eat at a sidewalk cafe, look in shop windows, walk in the rain!"
"Why don't you do all those things? Today. With me."
I'd love to, Mr Peck, I'd love to.


Anonymous said...

"what are you going to do today Napolean?"
"anything i want, GOSH."

Anonymous said...

Emily is the coolest Oreguineapig EVER!!!

You're freakin' retard!!! - NAP DYN