Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Well, I kicked off the first laundry load of the semester. I'm kind of a freak about washing my sheets all the time and I've already been here for ten days...

We have new washers and dryers, so hopefully they'll work a little better than the fire-starting, never-drying ones we had before.

You know how male stand-up comics always joke about how they hate when their wife writes "laundry detergent" on the grocery list? I hate having to buy it, too. It's so traumatic and confusing.

Does it really make a difference if I buy the five dollar kind vs. the three dollar kind? And what brand? What size? I don't really want anything left over at the end of the year, but I don't want to have to buy more. And there are so many different choices to make: Hypo-allergenic? Brighter colors? Whiter whites? Higher concentrated?
With color-safe bleach? "More clean" as compared to what? What exactly is "PureClean technology" and why does it make a difference if I wash my clothes with it? And let's not even get started on the scented options...

Grown up life is so complicated.


Aine said...

I bought the first two seasons of Arrested Development. I've been voraciously watching them. I think of you. And 80 degree weather. *le sigh*

Allison said...

Ah... you have much to learn, Emelina. What you do is watch to see who leaves their detergent in the laundry room and then, simply use it. It works fantastically well. OR you can share with someone else... share and make sure they always use the last of it. Or you can just give up on laundry.
Be happy yours at least work. We took to ironing things to make them dry faster. And it makes you wonder when you throw in normally dirty clothes... just dirty from normal wear, and they come out with straight up dirt on them. Sketch.

Josh said...

then there is always the method of, "Can I throw a couple things in with yours?" And then just make a lot of friends who do laundry... Or you could just not wear clean clothes

emelina said...

i have more than enough clothes to avoid doing laundry until i have to do underwear/sheets.

Michelle said...

HOW TRUE! As to the subject at hand, I am in the same quandary regarding my detergent selection. However, I AM convinced that the quality of the washer makes a lot bigger difference than the detergent. I will say that if you are looking for a small way to brighten your day and allow yourself a tiny luxury, I highly reccomend Downy's "Simple Pleasures" fabric softener (vanilla lavender is my fave). It takes a small fortune to purchase (you have to wait for a sale), but I could do a commercial when I use it... I hug Joshua and won't let go because I'm enjoying smelling his shirt...