Wednesday, August 25, 2004


And it's only 4:00 pm...

Why is my knee bothering me again?
Why do I miss everyone so much?
Why does he talk to me?
Why does Dr Stewart use the word stupid so much?
How can my roommate be inlove already?
Why do I hate chalkboards?
Why am I the only person in this class actually taking notes?
Why is Dr Jordan make English so boring?
Why do we even bother to have class if he's just going to read the syllabus?
Can't we just read it ourselves?
Why do I dislike his class after only one day?
Shouldn't I give him a chance?
Why does he keep taking his bifocals on and off?
Isn't the point of bifocals that you don't have to do that?
Why did we have to sit here for an extra 10 minutes, just to finish on time?
Why take 40 minutes to say what you could say in 20?
Why do southern people talk slow?
Why do I demand such a fast-paced world?
Shouldn't I just relax?
Should I stay in an easy class or go for the challenge?
Why is it so hard for me to look people in the eye?
What is Joel's phone number?
Why won't my phone card work?
Why do Esther and I keep getting bug bites?
Are there bugs in our room?
Why can't I stop being such a pessimist?

Despite the questions, things are actually looking up.


Anonymous said...

*hug* i love u moi! (dkn)

Gretchen Louise said...

And my question...who is Joel? ;)

LOL, glad things are looking a bit up! ;) Hugs from RAINY Oregon!!! ;)

emelina said...

joel is my very spiffy cousin who's also going to school here. so be quiet, gret ;-) you have NOTHING on me! hehehe

Gretchen Louise said...

Ah ha, glad to know Joel is safe...of course, is he from Alabama?! ;) Just remember that all the cute college guys (or the only cute guy) is at PHC. ;) ;)