Tuesday, August 03, 2004

'spectacular first lady'???

Lord help us if she gets elected.

All I'll say is, no matter how bad you think her husband is, please cast your vote for a Laura Bush White House on November 2nd.


Gretchen Louise said...

Obviously this world is redefining common words. Since when does Mrs. Kerry define "spectacular"?!?!

Mister Woodles said...

"Cast your vote for a Laura Bush white house"? Suddenly THAT'S the reason for picking a nominee? What ever happened to the issues? Let's not forget that Howard Dean was the number one pick for the Democratic Party until the awful turning point which began...when? When he got enthusiastic and yelled after a speech.
And it hasn't gotten much better. Those who vote for Kerry will only be doing so because he's not Bush... though there are some who will be voting for Edwards' charisma.
And the people who vote for Bush aren't going to be people who like anything he's done.. but he's in their party, and God forbid we let the country go to "moral decline" by not voting for The Party!
In any case, casting a vote based on charisma, a scream, a first lady, a kiss, or calling a reporter an "ash sole", is not a good idea.