Saturday, October 15, 2005


There's a time for sadness, yet there is also a time for rejoicing. And last night was definitely a night of rejoicing and good times.

This has been such a excellent week. I was only submerged in homesickness once - yesterday afternoon - but I was surrounded with such amazing people and silly antics that I survived. The decisions being made are hard, but I feel an amazing peace so far. Lord, lead me to a clear and obvious path.

After Bible study, I had an impromptu interpretive dance party in my room. Those are always pretty great. I think I'm getting really good because of ballet, too [oooooor not]. My Little [emily breiner, my clone and gorgeous amazing friend] and I had dinner with a bunch of crazy people. Friday night dinners are always scrounged from the depths of Saga's worst, but when you're with good people, food is fun! We ended up sitting at the table and talking and throwing carrots for a good hour after the scrounging ceased.

Kathryn Williams looks almost exactly like my sister Hannah. She even acts like her, too [cute and innocent looking, but really mischievous]. Since I don't have a cute picture of K, I will just post one of her Portland twin.
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I love Freshmen like K and e, they make me feel like a big sis again. It's a really important feeling.

The three of us danced over to the library, [which was naturally empty on a Friday evening] and provided some much needed entertainment for the poor working-on-a-friday librarians. We sat on the counters, played hangman, ran around and jumped out at each other from behind shelves, checked out massive amounts of dvds by ourselves, ['oooh, can i scan that?'] and were generally loud and hilarious.

On a sudden wind of passion [as opposed to the steady drone of reason...thanks dr schlueter], we were drawn to a practice room in Howard, where K produced tones of glory from the piano and E produced...noise from her vocal chords. I heart Norah Jones music and old big band era songs.

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.

Meanwhile, back in 202...while putting in a dvd, I noticed that 12 year old kids were playing on Jeopardy. Did you know that it's a lot more fun to watch when you actually know most of the answers? I was appalled at their basic lack of American Government knowledge ['your mom goes to teenpact], but other than that they were cute. I totally could have won, though.

I watched Bend it Like Beckham with em [she's little e. i'm big E, in case you haven't noticed already] and Amber while Turing our skin and lips to satin [thanks to mary kay]. After it was over, I purchased the soundtrack. Indian dance parties coming soon!

Hannah and I then got dolled up [i was such a bum all week] and, complete with newly shorn bangs, headed up to IV Coffeehouse. We skipped back home under the stars and finished off the night with some Blue Bunny and the Marx Brothers. I'm glad that Hannah laughs outloud at movies.

The trees are finally catching on fire. Hillsdale really is lovely in the fall.

['...and two hard boiled eggs']

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