Friday, October 07, 2005

life story...

Life is all at once so difficult and wonderful. So fragile and at the same time so strong. It's so quickly wasted or ended, yet some days still seem to drag on.

Lord, teach me to count the days
teach me to make the days count

Baby Faith Felicity's short story has not ended. It began yesterday; it will continue to be told so that generations may understand His wonderous love.

this is my story, this is my song
praising my savior all the day long

Please pray for Kimmy and Joel Harris, the Harris and Paul families, and our church family. Take a moment to praise your Savior, wherever you're sitting right now. Notice a breath, a laugh, a tear. This is real.

[i just want to go home. has He called me so far away so i can appreciate them more? will He ever call me back?]

*deep breath*
Further up and deeper in, my friends.

1 comment:

Emma Rose said...

Matthew 10:29-30