Saturday, July 31, 2004

you'll never guess...

okay, picture this: I'm standing in the world's longest line at Starbucks, you know the one right by my house?...yah, that one. It was really busy this morning!
Anyway, I'm standing there, no make up on, half asleep, and this guy I've never seen before taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and he says, (and I quote)

Did you know that there are 35 Starbucks and 1.3 million people in Portland
The odds of us being in the very same line are staggering
Is it coincidence or is there a bigger power than you and me
That made us both crave a 3 dollar cup of coffee?

I mean, how lame is that!!!?? And that's not the end of it. Before I could say anything...

Hey, hey, hey, tell me can you feel it
It's filling up the room, there's something going on
See that little speaker in the ceiling
Listen real close it's playing our song
Looks like fate has finally found us
It's got us surrounded
So tell me, what are we're gonna do about it

He started singing! There's some strange guy in Starbucks singing to me in line at 7:30 in the morning! Everybody's staring, I was SO embarassed and I'm thinking 'who is this FREAK?'

I know what you're thinking
You're thinking 'man, this guy is a total freak'
You think the case I'm making for destiny is a little weak
Well, your shirt is blue, and mine is yellow, and my favorite colors green
Pretty amazing, if you know what I mean

Well, I like green too, but I don't know what that means! What does that mean? So then he sings the chorus to his little song again and then it gets even worse!

Come on now, you have to admit
We couldn't have written a better script
What a great story to tell our kids

(oh. my. heavens. he's talking about children?)
True story. Yah, I know, I couldn't believe it either. Isn't that crazy? It's like a movie or something.
Then what happened? Well..
Oops, wait, I gotta go.

He'll be here any minute...


Anonymous said...

rofl! he started SINGING? That's prety lame. But... wait... What's with the end of the story there?? O_O

~Erin/Rin (since it's such a long name ;) )

ps- yes, i just discovered that i can comment. woohoo!

Mister Woodles said...

It reminds me of an Everclear song called "Unemployed Boyfriend," which starts out with a girl on an answering machine telling her about a strange thing that happened to her in the unemployment office that day. She's telling about a guy who walks up to her and says something like "This is going to sound a little obsessive.." and then the singer chimes in with the song, which starts out:

This is gonna sound a little obsessive
This is gonna sound a little bit strange
I have one thing to say before I turn and walk away
This is gonna sound a little impulsive
This is gonna sound a little insane
I know you don't know me yet
But you and I, we will be together someday
It's worth checking out. My question is.. how did you remember it word for word?

Gretchen Louise said...

LOL, girl! Sounds like the song you were telling me about...the one that's on the CD you girls gave me today...that I look forward to listening to here in a bit. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Fun to see you!! Have a great time with JD.

Anonymous said...

So... you are really not making this up? You remebered every word... and you expect us to believe that! :)


Aine said... DID you remember the words?

Or could this be...(dunnnn!) a piece of fiction?!?

You romantic fool!!

Anonymous said...

Dude... you've got a blog!! That makes me very happy... I have soo much stuff to talk to you about... a lot of sappiness in my heart today, and I loved reading your blog. Thanks for the link. Love - Didi K.

Anonymous said...

The song is "What We're Gonna Do About It" by Tommy Shane Steiner.