Tuesday, January 25, 2005

wandering words...

I hate posting when I have nothing to say.

However, as was discussed earlier tonight, a. one feels attached to one's blog and hates to neglect a dear posession, and b. when one's thriving fanclub[male] members are ignored, they become dissatisfied and quickly seek entertainment in other forms.

Gosh, I hate saying this, but I'm too busy to be poetic or thoughtful or purposed with my words, therefore I disregard posting.

I'm a student, an office slave, a starlet, a friend, a computer consultant, a mentor, and a girl. [the order is still in negotiations]

The snow from our storm is melting and you can see the sidewalks again. [finally. it's no fun to have to hike the hill in slippery slush. feels like you're walking in slow-motion, except it's less cool] Some stupid birds think it's spring, but I'm pretty sure [and hopeful] that the White Witch is still in power and that this is 'just a thaw, majesty.' I have only made one snow angel and exchanged 2 snowballs in battle, so there had better be more coming.

And so, little french blog and faithful readers, I humbly beg for your forgiveness and repent of my neglect.

Here's to a better, more structured and productive tomorrow.

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