Tuesday, December 07, 2004

at least i know...part II

Before I continue with a description of the newest additions to my school sanity regime, I have to recommend that you stop and read this article. It's not terribly long and definitely deserving of a few minutes of relfection. I found it in the World Magazine that was resting in my mailbox this morning and I was amazed at the way it fit perfectly into my thoughts. [though i should never be surprised at the complete orchestration of my life, i am amazed at God's organization]

The largest contribution to my pace has been my new job in Admissions. I had been pretty discouraged because I haven't been working very much, which I honestly miss. Right before Thanksgiving break, [as in, i ran up early before i left for the airport] I interviewed for the 'mindless office slave' position and it went really well. Being the eternal pessimist and already having had a 'great' interview and been turned down for a similiar position, I barely dared to hope. While in San Diego, however, I recieved an e-mail that I had gotten the job! It honestly doesn't matter that I'm being paid barely enough to keep a mouse-weasel alive... I'm working again! It feels great to be able to turn off my brain several afternoons a week and do some good old filing or mailings.

I am slightly afraid, though, that I am working myself out of a job. heh. I don't think the ladies I work for were expecting my kick-tailness at mailings... I keep running out of projects! It was almost embarassing to keep going back for more work. She gave me computer work pretty quickly too. Hopefully there will be more of that. Today, Kathy had more than enough stuffing, stamping, sealing, filing and taping [the tape despenser and i have started off what appears will be a very tumultuous relationship] to keep me busy for several hours. I love accomplishing something. To be able to recieve a project, do it well, and check it off the list is very encouraging. [yes, even filing is better than nothing] I like completion. Nice, round numbers and square corners. I feel really comfortable in the office, too. Both of my other jobs took some settling in, but not this one. I'm already being a smart mouth and cracking jokes, which is pretty surprising! So, they like me because I do all the dirty work and I get the fulfillment of a sense of completion. Everybody's happy!

Slightly less impressive, though important nonetheless, I started dancing again. It happened in the strangest way. I found out at the beginning of the semester that there was a handful Highland dancers here, [we have a pipeband too. schnap] and thought 'oh, that would be fun to start again.' But of course, I promptly forgot. We were having a rehersal for our theatre group project last Wednesday night [which was amazing this morning, btw. definitely an A project] and I had to return some of our set pieces to a closet in the dance studio. I walked in and was kinda surprised to see familiar steps and arm positions. "hey, are you girls doing Highland dancing? I danced a long time ago..." I was overcome with the desire to dance. So, I raced back to my dorm to change and managed to return for the last half of the hour. I was amazed at how much came back to me, even though it's been probably 5 or 6 years since I've taken lessons.

So, the Hillsdale Highland Dancers meet at least twice a week, I am the newest member and Hannah [the main girl] has already asked me if I'd be interested in some special coreography work for their show at the end of next semester! [high level classy work, mind you.] So, I've been working on gaining balance and flexibility. [which translates into constant soreness] The only thing that concerns me is that after dancing, my knees started really bothering me again. I'm going to have to remember to be careful, but I'm really enjoying dancing again. Afterwards, Hannah and I spent a long amount of time stretching and, of all things, discussing state politics. She had worked as an Intern in the Iowa State Senate for a semester of her Senior year in highschool and we compared state constitutions, party politics, and some of the more interesting adventures of political experience. I realized just how much I miss it... heh, "TeenPact changed my life. *snort*" I have this overwhelming desire to sing in Rotundas, sometimes. I usually settle for the stairway, but it's just not the same... I can't wait to sing with my girls [and glas] in January! [k-ris has promised to satisfy my state capitol obsession with a glimpse of indy's...yay!]

So, once again employed and dancing, Emilina is diving into the world of Hdale like never before. I even went up to Saga today, not hungry, just to visit with the girls. [okay, so maybe i did have another motive in being in a public place tonight... *cryptic smile* what can i say? i'm a truly manipulative female. occasionally, being impulsive and having friends who will campaign for you causes good things to happen. the christmas ball is saturday night.]

i'll be home for christmas...


Aine said...

You should definitely throw in some of Kuzco's moves from Emperor's New Groove into your choreography bit. Definitely.

Gretchen Louise said...

So now I know why my brother sings in stairways all the time! TeenPact did it to him. ;)

Glad to hear you're finding some new projects to keep you occupied. Sure you don't want to come work at the Capitol for the legislative session? Filers are always in high demand! ;) ;)

Do tell when you get asked to the dance by some handsome stranger... ;)

emelina said...

Gret - what do you think that "cryptic smile" was all about?? ;) i'm definitely going. and i'm not going alone.

oh, hey... is it alright with you if i make it a goal to dance with your brother on some occasion? i hear PHC has had a bad influence on him and he's gotten into the habit of dancing with girls. *shakes head* what is this world coming to! j/k *grin*

will i see you at the airport on wednesday night?