Wednesday, December 29, 2004

the grades...

I made the sister open them. [i was already on the road to the extended bachelorette party. which was awesome, naturally. more later]

More evidence for my theory that if you expect the worst, you'll be excited about anything.

[there will be no comparison between me and any nameless beautiful honors students who happen to attend texas a & m, okay?]

CCA - A [duh. you could be a goldfish and get an a in the cca]
Western Heritage - B [also expected and deserved. dr. stewart gives most life forms a b. my papers were crap, but he liked me, so it balanced i guess]
Understanding Theatre - A- [thought I had maybe bluffed an a. oh well. we got an a+ on the project that mattered to me and our unimpressible prof said it was the best he'd ever seen in all the years he's taught this class]
Freshman Rhet/Great Books - B+ [gah. i had an a, and blew it on the stupid id section of the final. thanks a lot, sophocles. nah to you forever, sicko dr jordan. i got good grades on the limited amount of actual writing that we did]

and...[the most fearful grade of all]
put your hands together for...

Elementary Greek I - B. no, that is not an error. nor a sick joke. i actually got a b in greek. [considering i bombed nicely on all three big tests and didn't feel very good about the freaking hard final, i'd say a b was pretty amazing. thank you, Lord!]

Blonde and I discussed making t-shirts that fronted 'i survived greek I with dr holmes' and backed our favorite class quote 'but i say, if you don't look good naked, you shouldn't be competing in athletics!' - dr holmes. but we decided that the stupid football players would probably get the wrong idea...

This balances out to a nice round 3.3. Which means, I can improve nicely next semester [progress looks good] , while still keeping all my scholarships. So, I'm no R. Toppert [sorry, couldn't keep up the anonymity], but I'm [hopefully] not as dumb as I look...


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