Wednesday, December 01, 2004

snow day...

Unfortunatly, because I'm in Hillsdale and not Portland, we did not have a day off school because an inch of snow fell last night. People did not go crazy and empy the grocery store. I did not sit by a fireplace and read and my mom did not make me hot chocolate. [although she did send me some in the mail! thanks, mom!]

I decided that I like actually watching the snow fall better than waking up to find that it all drifted down without my knowledge. It was, however, incredibly beautiful to find the world frosted. It was slightly disappointing to find that they cleared the streets, sidewalks, parkinglot, and any other necessary surface right away, so I walked through the Arb on the way to Theatre. And based on the lack of footprints, I can tell you that I was the first person to enjoy the beautiful snowcoverednessof the Arb. The sun was bright today and it was only on a matter of strict principle that I didn't pull out the shades. It was so nice, the cloudless blue sky and the [quickly melting] snow. *sigh*

Everyone says I'll be sick of it soon, but I kind of doubt that. I'm not really sure why...maybe I like the snow because it keeps my surroundings constantly changing, which is a comfort to my restless attention span. I've heard a little bit of whinging, most mostly praise of the snow. You can definitely tell who's from Michigan and who's from a snowless part of the country.

You won't hear this often, but I must say...Hillsdale is beautiful in the snow. Everything looks so fresh and new and exciting. I celebrated the first real snow with the traditional faceplant. [mili, do you remember when we got snowed in at your house and were running around making faceprints on everything: bushes, cars, mailboxes...ah, good times. heh, lots of laughter, spice tea, popcorn, and calander pictures!]

On the way back from Theatre, it had warmed up enough so it looked like Aslan had finally ended winter in Narnia. I had to stop and listen to the beautiful sound of the snow dropping off the branches of the trees. It is one of my new favorite noises, up there with crunching leaves.

So, happy snow day, world.


Anonymous said...

the sounds of the seasons ...
so joyous. i suppose because nature so closely reflects our Creator.


Allison said...

snow.... happy. :) we do not have snow here (yet), but this morning we had the lovliest fog. happy.