Monday, October 11, 2004

outclassed once again...

I have already mentioned the creative talents of my brother, Jonathan, age twelve. Once again, he appears on the scene with a presentation. It is complete with a note to me, his awed editor, and a very detailed pencil map drawn on the back of a Saxon math lesson. (he got all the math problems correct, too! good lad!)

Since it was rather lengthy, I shall only post a few of the word highlights. I must preface this letter with the knowledge that Henry is the main character in my brother's epic. The tale began out of a good dose of classic fantasy novels (that does not include the harry potter books, actually) and has materialized into various Lego creations, and now is being processed on paper. Potential galore.

Dear Emily,
I told you I would tell you how Henry was doin' so I will. Well, right now he's over his head with bullies, twins, brothers, monsters, griffins, vampires, were-wolves, were-goblins, leprachauns, spiders, trolls, clock towers, wizards, dragons, giants, swords, sleds, friends, foes, books, bags, knights, heirs, caves, castles, giants snowballs, falcons, owls, snakes, dogs, shrevels, and bears (oh my!). [the child has learned of 'the comma!!' horray!]
Here is a list of most of the characters and their backrounds and what part they play in the story.

Henry Stotter: hard life, nice kid, and main character
Harold McGriffin: apprenticed to a magician, he is a wiz at everything
Kyle Jefferson: big family, good friend, kind, and courageous
Taylor Jefferson: little brother of Kyle, ready to help whenever he can
Larry Littol: the leprechaun mischieveous, green clothed, Henry catched him and a pot of gold he gets (henry gets the pot of gold).

[i'm eliminating this, unless you all complain and then i'll add it. it's rather lengthy, and contains a list of baddies, their evil habits and places of living, etc.]

Fiff the Foff: five foot long weasel like monsters who live in caves and thick forests, foffs have the ability to change their size, depending on the foff they can grow to ten feet or shrink to one foot, they tend to be evil and wicked.
Shirvin the Shrevel: an amazing little creature shrevels are generally friendly, kind beings, although they have been known to attack when threatened. These peaceful creatures stand from six inches to two feet. Shrevels are very magical, fun living, furry, happy, and cute.

Emily I hope you liked this letter and it didn't bore you to death. Sorry I couldn't think of something real to say.

ps I'll talk about the actual story of Henry next time.
pps maybe i'll send a picture to drew to.
ppps oh! i almost forgot enclosed is a map i drew of the evil area.
pppps see if you can find all the baddies houses stores and hideouts.
ppppps i miss you, write back soon.
pppppps bye.
ppppppps really
pppppppps I have nothing more to say.
ppppppppps really really.

Isn't that great? I can hardly wait for the next letter....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait! He forgot the pppppppppps! That's really cute. lol
He's 12 already? Where has time gone? I'm starting to feel old. >_>
